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The Woodland Park Development Real Estate And Homes For Sale In Bartlesville, OK

Find area information and real estate listings for the Woodland Park Development, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Learn more about Woodland Park, including available homes for sale, school info, and area reviews, from a local RE/bwinchina官网 real estate agent.

Monarch butterfly with his wings folded together - Woodland Park Development Woodland Park Development

Woodland Park Area Insight

  • Woodland Park Development
    The City free yard debris collection will be held during the week of May 3-7. Residents may place their leaves, grass, lawn clippings and other yard debris at the curb in bags on their normal trash collection day during that week for collection by Solid Waste Department crews.

    The collection is for leaves, grass, and lawn clippings as well as limbs and branches, if cut in lengths no longer than four feet and bundled (may not exceed 50 pounds.)
    Yard debris bags will not require yard waste stickers and clear or colored bags are allowed.
    The collection is for private residences only; no commercial collections will be made.

    There is no limit on the number of bags a resident can put out for the collection. Yard debris will only be collected once, on your normal collection day of the week. Extra bags or items of household refuse outside the cart must have the red refuse sticker attached. Residents should comply with all other standard refuse regulations.

    Yard refuse will be collected separately from trash but will be collected on the customer's normal trash collection day.
  • Woodland Park Development
    So after 11 days of below-average temperatures, the cold is leaving us. We had some bad weather. Every day, for 11 days, was well below freezing and now today it is supposed to hit 34 degrees. We had one day that was -11, 11 degrees below zero, and the high was five degrees above zero. Pipes were breaking everywhere. homes, apartments, hotels, offices, stores, and streets. Rolling blackouts were taking place also. And if you don't have heat, you can't protect your pipes. It was and still is, seriously difficult for a lot of people. I am happy that we are going to be looking at much warmer weather. It is funny that 34 is going to look warm to us.
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about the Woodland Park Development.
    Woodland Park Development
    Woodland Park is a beautiful residential neighborhood located in the center of Bartlesville. The area is heavily wooded with scenic views, wildlife, and beautiful homes. There are roughly 1,954 residents living in this area with 86% being homeowners. Highways, shopping, schools, and restaurants are all close by.
  • Woodland Park Development
    Cold weather is here and it doesn't look like it's leaving for a while. Today it is 14 degrees and the high is supposed to be 25 degrees and that is the high for the next six days. The forecast for Saturday is one degree with a high of 16 degrees. Sunday the forecast is three degrees with a high of 12 degrees. This is not normal weather for us.

    You should be protecting your pipes during this time by leaving the cabinet door open under sinks and either dripping or running a little trickle of water through your faucets. Running water might cost you a couple of dollars, but replacing pipes, flooring, and other damage could run into the thousands. It is not worth the risk to ignore protecting your home.
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about the Woodland Park Development.
    Woodland Park Development
    We always enjoy watching the deer show up in our backyard in the Woodland Park addition. We have been noticing that one was looking a little larger. We thought that she might have been pregnant. This morning she did indeed show up with a little fawn walking along with her. We will make sure that we have enough food (deer corn) and fresh water for the two of them.
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about the Woodland Park Development.
    Woodland Park Development
    It is beautiful weather to be outside. Weather like this is a great time to go for a walk in the neighborhood. And the Pathfinder is close by, and you can walk a long ways without seeing any traffic. Also we have city parks scattered around town.
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about the Woodland Park Development.
    Woodland Park Development
    Friday is supposed to be 60 degrees and then both Saturday and Sunday it is supposed to be 66 degrees. Fantastic temperature to be outside, working in the yard some, taking walks down the Pathfinder or in one of the many parks in Bartlesville. There is a fun run downtown in the morning. And it would be a great time to do some grilling.
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about the Woodland Park Development.
    Woodland Park Development
    Well, last night, we had a very little bit of snow. Not even enough to call a flurry. But, yes, it was cold enough and wet enough and all the right conditions for a little bit of snow. And it is October. I don't ever remember getting snow in October.
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about the Woodland Park Development.
    Woodland Park Development
    Rain, rain go away come again another day. The rain started last night at midnight and has been raining on and off all night and into today. The forecast is to have on again off again rain all day. Great day to stay inside and read a book.
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about the Woodland Park Development.
    Woodland Park Development
    Museum devoted to the history, heritage and innovations of the Phillips Petroleum Company.
    I have been there a number of times. I never knew all the things that were accomplished due to the work of the Phillips Companies. This is located in downtown Bartlesville. You should also go to the Frank Phillips home and to Woolaroc.
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about the Woodland Park Development.
    Woodland Park Development
    Wow. it's not raining. After all this rain it is good to see the sun. Hopefully this will help to start drying this mess up. The water has receded considerably but is still too high and in flood stage. But, I am very happy to see the sun and blue skies. Woodland Park is hilly and could dry up if the rain will stay away for a few days.
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about the Woodland Park Development.
    Woodland Park Development
    This has been bad in many places in the whole northeast region of Oklahoma. Floods! Almost everywhere. In Bartlesville the Caney River has spread way beyond its banks. A large portion of Bartlesville has now became one large lake. Woodland Park is at least a mile from the river and for the first time, to my knowledge, the water has reached homes. A portion of one street was closed because the water had covered too much of the road. Several families had water in their homes. In a different part of town a Realtor had water up to his kitchen counter. Many roads are closed for safety, making people drive much farther to get to places. The water has subsided considerably but now we have chance of rain for the next three days.
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about the Woodland Park Development.
    Woodland Park Development
    We're getting closer and closer everyday to summer. Our days are getting longer and hotter as we get closer to the first day of summer. I love summer but it's starting to make me "shinny".

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